YOUNGIN 'S HOME Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Microsoft | glassyocean 'at' gmail
 Home | Profile | Research | Interest | Photo | Schedule | Guestbook | Links

PHP Schedule System (PSS™) is developed by Youngin Shin and this site is for personal use only. Therefore, there is no password protection. However, I will take a protective action should any ty- pe of unwanted changes of data be observed. For further ques- tions about the release of the source code of PSS™, please contact me through emails.

This site is best viewed by MSIE at 1024x768.

Contact Information
Mail :

1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Phone :


Office :

Building 88 / 2249

Create a schedule for 2023 Mar 02 Thursday :
* If you save an empty schedule, no schedule will be created. Save

Today is ...
2024 7. 27
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Today|Schedule, O:Y, X:N

 Copyright © Youngin Shin 2000-2024 Last modified : Fri, 29 Mar 2019 09:09:38 -14400 EDT